Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Fundamentals - 15 Day Training

In association with

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₹ 15,000



Beginner / Advance

Training Level

Cross-Border Collaboration

Global resource integration. Cross-industry and multi-party cooperation

Why this Training?

Our comprehensive training program offers hands-on labs, expert instruction, and real-world case studies to equip participants with practical skills in Blockchain Technology.

Here are some key benefits

Training Curriculum

Module 1: Introduction to Blockchain

Course Introduction

What is Blockchain

Blockchain History and Future

The History of Blockchain and its Future

The Limitations of Blockchain

Module 2: Blockchain Technology and Concepts

How Different Countries View Blockchain

The Current Situation and Development of Blockchain Technology

How Different Countries View Blockchain

Hashing and Distributed Accounts

Zero Knowledge Proofs: Total Anonymity

Module 3: Advanced Blockchain Topics

Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence


The Byzantine Generals Problem

Workload Proving Mechanism

Mining and Wallets

Day 4: Global Perspective


Blockchain Forking

Lightning Network

Smart Contracts


Module 5: Ethereum and Beyond


Blockchain Pizza and Blockchain Steak

Bitcoin - Satoshi Nakamoto

Ethereum - Vitalik Buterin

Blockchain Data Blocking

Module 6: Emerging Trends and Applications

Blockchain State Channels

Blockchain Partitioning

Ethereum Fans Discuss Blockchain

Personal Assets Uplink

The Next Information Revolution is Coming


Blockchain Media

Blockchain and Cross-border Trade

Blockchain: A Smart Economy Revolution

Blockchain and Law

Review and Conclusion

Blockchain Centre World Locations

What our Student’s Say

Our core values are at the heart of all that we do.

Kanchan Bajaj

Infoshastra's Digital Marketing internship was a game-changer for me. The diverse curriculum and hands-on projects allowed me to apply what I learned immediately. Plus, the certificates from industry giants boosted my resume

Atul Saroha

In just 15 days, I learned more about digital marketing than I thought possible. The classes were comprehensive, and working on live client projects gave me real-world experience.

Devanshi Bansal

The Infoshastra internship was a fantastic experience. I particularly enjoyed the Influencer Marketing and SEO classes. The certificates and project experience made me job-ready.

Praveen Kumar

I'm incredibly grateful for Infoshastra's internship program. The knowledge gained from the classes and the opportunity to work on real client projects were invaluable for my career growth.

Experience hands-on learning, real projects, and industry recognition.